All posts by Sam

The Power Struggle in Putting on Shoes: A Lesson in Parenting

As parents, we learn that every day can bring a new challenge. One day, it’s potty training, and the next, it’s teaching your child how to put on their own shoes. It may sound like a simple task, but sometimes, it can turn into a power struggle. As I brought my son to kindergarten this week, I encountered such a situation. And little did I know, it would become a lesson in parenting that I will never forget.

It all started when we arrived at the kindergarten, and my son needed to switch his outdoor muddy boots to some light indoor shoes. He’s done this before, so I expected it to be a smooth transition. But as I watched him struggle to put on his shoes, he suddenly demanded that I do it for him. I knew that he was perfectly capable of doing it himself, so I refused.

It then became a game of tug-of-war, with my son insisting that I put on his shoes, and me insisting that he do it himself. But as the minutes passed by, the situation began to escalate, and my son’s cries became louder. It would have been so easy to give in, but I knew that I couldn’t. If I gave in, I would be teaching him that he just needs to complain long enough, and he’ll get what he wants.

So I decided to stay strong, and after 20 minutes of standing our ground, my son finally put on his shoes on his own. I praised him for his effort, encouraging him to try again next time, just without the drama.

Looking back at this situation, I realized that this was a lesson in parenting. In a sense, it’s all about teaching our kids to be independent and self-sufficient, and sometimes, that means taking a step back and allowing them to struggle a little. It’s okay to let them make mistakes and learn from them, as long as we guide them along the way.

As parents, it’s our job to teach our kids valuable life skills, and that includes putting on their own shoes. But more importantly, it’s about teaching them the importance of perseverance, patience, and independence. It may seem like a small victory, but the sense of accomplishment that comes with learning something new is invaluable.

In the end, the power struggle over putting on shoes may seem like a small incident, but it’s a reflection of the bigger picture in parenting. We need to remember to teach our kids to be independent, self-sufficient, and persistent. It’s okay to let them struggle, as long as we guide them along the way. And who knows? Maybe next time, putting on shoes won’t be such a daunting task. But more importantly, our kids will have learned a valuable lesson in life. So the next time you encounter a power struggle with your child, remember to stay strong, and never give up. It’s all part of the journey of parenthood.

The Kindergarten Plague Diaries: A Dad’s Tale of Survival

Welcome to my world, a place where finger paints meet the flu and block towers are paired with bouts of coughing. I’ve been initiated into the kindergarten sickness cycle, an endless loop of colds, sneezes, and mysterious viruses. It’s like a game of germ roulette, and let me tell you, the odds are not in our favor. But hey, who doesn’t love a challenge, right?

Why does this happen, you ask? Well, apparently, it’s because these little tykes are in the midst of an immune system boot camp. It’s like their bodies are hosting a germ-themed party, and unfortunately, the invites extend to the whole family. Great for them in the long run, but for us? It’s like being an unpaid, sneeze-dodging ninja. Despite this, I’m all for education and character-building… even if it means building my character into a part-time nurse and sanitizer extraordinaire.

As a dad, I’ve noticed I’m a prime target for these germs. Kids’ immune systems are getting buff with all this exposure, while mine’s lounging on a couch, unprepared for the microbial onslaught. The remedy? Well, apart from considering living in a hazmat suit, I’ve taken up hobbies like stress management (a.k.a., hiding in the bathroom for some minutes of peace), exercising (running after a sneezy child counts, right?), and mastering the art of sleeping with one eye open.

Let’s talk about the frustration of being a perpetual sick bay. It’s an art form, really. I’ve started to find the silver lining in these sniffly times. Maybe it’s the delirium, but there’s something oddly satisfying about predicting who in the house will fall next in this game of viral dominos. And hey, experimenting with homemade immune boosters? It’s like being a mad scientist, minus the explosions (usually).

So there you have it, my journey through the germ-infested waters of kindergarten. It’s a mix of defense tactics, a bit of humor, and a whole lot of ‘really, again?’. But amidst the chaos, there’s a strange sense of camaraderie and achievement. And who knows, maybe by the end of this, I’ll have an immune system that can rival my kid’s. Until then, pass the vitamin C and the dad jokes; we’re going to need them.

When Life Gives You a Locked Door, Find Another Way In!

Some things work and some things don’t. There is almost always another way to get where you want to go. Don’t keep trying to open a locked door.

– James Clear

We’ve all been there—you try opening a door and realize it’s locked. What do you do next? Do you keep trying to open it, even though you know it’s not going to budge? Or do you step back and find another way to get where you need to go? According to James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, there’s almost always another way to achieve your goals. In this blog post, we’ll explore why some things work and some things don’t, and how you can find another way to get where you want to go, even when life throws you a locked door.

Understand What’s Not Working

The first step in finding another way to achieve your goals is to understand what’s not working. Maybe you’re trying to land your dream job, but every application you submit gets rejected. Or perhaps you’re trying to lose weight, but you can’t seem to stick to a healthy diet. In both cases, it’s important to take a step back and analyze why your approach isn’t working. Maybe your resume needs some tweaking, or maybe your diet plan is too restrictive. By identifying the roadblocks, you can start to look for alternative solutions.

Look for Inspiration

Once you understand what’s not working, it’s time to look for inspiration. There are plenty of people who have achieved similar goals, and studying their stories can help you find another way to get where you want to go. For example, if you’re trying to break into a certain industry, seek out successful professionals in that field and read about their experiences. You might find that they took a more unconventional path than you originally thought, which could inspire you to try something new.

Embrace Failure

One of the main reasons people keep trying to open a locked door is because they’re afraid to fail. But failure is an inevitable part of any journey—especially one that involves taking risks. Embracing failure means accepting that not everything will work out the way you want it to, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. In fact, failure can often lead to unexpected breakthroughs and opportunities. So the next time you hit a roadblock, try reframing it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Seek the Help of Others

Sometimes we get so focused on our own journey that we forget there are people around us who want to help. Whether it’s a mentor, friend, or family member, seeking the help of others can open new doors you never thought possible. Even asking for advice on a specific challenge can lead to a new perspective and solution. Plus, the support and encouragement of others can be invaluable when you’re feeling discouraged.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Finally, it’s important to remember why you started on this journey in the first place. When you’re faced with a locked door, it’s easy to get bogged down in frustration and lose sight of the big picture. But by keeping your eyes on the prize, you’ll be more motivated to find another way in. Whether it’s a new career, a healthier lifestyle, or a fulfilling relationship, remind yourself why this goal is important to you and why you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get there.


In conclusion, getting through a locked door in life is all about staying open to different avenues of approach. Even if it feels like you’re hitting a wall with your current strategy, remember that there’s always another way to get where you want to go. By understanding what’s not working, seeking inspiration, embracing failure, seeking the help of others, and keeping your eyes on the prize, you’ll be well on your way to finding that alternate route to success. So go forth, try something new, and never forget the wise words of James Clear: “Don’t keep trying to open a locked door.”

Navigating the Bumps of Meditation: A Personal Experience

You know when life gets super noisy, like during recess, and all you want is a quiet corner? That’s how adults feel sometimes with their busy lives. I heard that ‘Meditation’ is like finding that quiet spot. So, I thought, “Why not try it?”

Starting meditation should be easy, right? Close your eyes, breathe, and feel calm. But, for me, it was a bit like trying to ride a bike for the first time. I used an app to help me; it was like having training wheels. But sometimes, I’d fall asleep, like when you’re reading a book in class. Or I’d feel itchy or uncomfortable. And, oh boy, my mind was like a playground full of running thoughts! But you know what? Every time I skipped a day and missed many, I would always try again.

Here’s the magic part: After trying for a while, I started to feel good, like how you feel after playing your favorite game. I felt happier and calmer. And, just like doing sports makes me feel good and reduces stress, so does meditation. They’re like two different games, but both have similar effects on me and are super fun in their own ways!

Meditation is like learning a new game. At first, you might not get it, but keep playing, and soon you’ll become a pro! If you want to try meditation, remember to be patient with yourself. Think of it like practicing jump rope or a new dance move. You might trip or miss a step at first, but that’s okay. Keep trying, have fun, and soon you’ll get the hang of it!

Naval Ravikant – Rules for Life – Choose Your Desires Carefully

Naval Ravikant, the entrepreneur, philosopher, and prolific thinker, has shared various insights and wisdom about life, success, and happiness. I like to elaborate on one particular concept: “Choose your desires carefully.” It’s a simple yet profound idea, reflecting deep insights into human nature, ambition, and the pursuit of contentment.

What does it mean to choose desires carefully?

Naval’s statement urges us to examine our wants and needs on a deeper level. He prompts us to question our desires, understanding that what we desire shapes our lives in essential ways. In this regard, let’s explore some of the statements he made and quotes he listed that help us better understand this rule:

  • “A healthy person wants 1000 things, an unhealthy person wants just one thing.” This phrase carries a lot of meaning. It gets us to think about what we truly want and what we often overlook. We might forget to appreciate simple things like being healthy or being young because we take them for granted. But these gifts are delicate and can be gone in an instant. So instead of constantly wanting more, we should feel thankful for what we already have.
  • “Be careful what you desire. Every desire is a suffering.” This statement reflects a deep understanding of the dual nature of desire. On the one hand, desire fuels our ambition, motivates us, and pushes us forward. It is the spark that ignites the fire of innovation and progress. On the other hand, unchecked or unfulfilled desires can lead to suffering. The constant yearning for more can breed dissatisfaction, restlessness, and a ceaseless sense of lack. Naval encourages us to be wary of our desires and consider their potential consequences in this context. To choose our desires carefully is to choose a path that leads to personal fulfillment and contentment rather than one of constant striving and struggling. This isn’t about suppressing desires but rather about understanding their nature, questioning their origin, and considering their potential impact on our well-being.
  • “Restrict yourself to one desire at a time.” This means it’s better to concentrate on one thing at a time, not limit ourselves. Our energy isn’t endless, so we must use it wisely on one goal to boost our chances of success. A clear, single goal can help us stay on track without getting lost. And in addition it forces us to prioritize. By focusing, we manage our resources well, stay disciplined, and learn that good things take time. It’s always about quality, not quantity when we’re trying to grow personally.
  • “While you can have virtually anything you want, you can’t have everything you want.” – Ray Dalio This quote encapsulates the reality of limitations that come with choice. This statement acknowledges the unlimited potential inherent in each individual, implying that almost any goal or aspiration can be achieved with the right mindset and effort. However, it also conveys a sobering truth of existence – that our time, resources, and energy are finite, and therefore, we must make conscious decisions about our pursuits. The desire to have it all can dilute our efforts, leaving us overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Thus, it’s crucial to prioritize what truly matters to us, invest our resources judiciously, and accept the trade-offs that come with our choices.

So what to do with that wisdom now?

Naval’s approach to desires is more than just a philosophical one. It offers practical implications for personal development, career growth, and overall well-being. Here are some ways to apply these principles:

  1. Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your desires and align them with your values, long-term goals, and personal development.
  2. Mindfulness: By being mindful of what you want, you can avoid unnecessary suffering by recognizing unhealthy obsessions and focusing on what truly matters.
  3. Strategic Planning: Recognize that you can’t have everything, and plan your life strategically by prioritizing your desires. It will help you allocate resources more wisely and achieve what is most meaningful to you.
  4. Balancing Act: Cultivate a range of interests and passions. It adds richness to your life, helps you grow in different dimensions, and guards against unhealthy fixations.

Choosing your desires carefully is not about restricting your dreams or aspirations. Instead, it’s about understanding the nature of desire, recognizing its potential pitfalls, and employing wisdom in how we approach our goals.

Naval’s insights on this topic provide a roadmap to navigate our ambitions and desires. By applying these principles, we can cultivate a life of balance, focus, fulfillment, and, ultimately, contentment.

Remember, it’s not only about what you want but why you want it. Deliberate and mindful selection of our desires can lead us down a path towards a truly enriched life.

Finding the Balance: Relaxed Dedication in Life

In our fast-paced world, stress often seems synonymous with passion and dedication. However, the renowned author James Clear offers a refreshing perspective: “You can be relaxed and dedicated. Just because you worry more, doesn’t mean you care more.”

This insight challenges the conventional belief that worry and anxiety indicate genuine concern or commitment. Instead, Clear emphasizes a balanced approach to life, where relaxed focus can coexist with dedication. Let’s break down this quote and explore how it can transform the way we approach our goals and passions.

Relaxed and Dedicated Are Not Mutually Exclusive

  • The Myth: Society often portrays relaxed people as indifferent or lazy. However, this misconception can lead to unnecessary stress.
  • The Reality: Being relaxed allows for clearer thinking, better decision-making, and improved creativity. These qualities often lead to more dedication to a cause or goal.

Worry Doesn’t Equal Care

  • The Myth: Worrying about something is seen as a sign that you care deeply about it. This leads to a belief that anxiety and stress are proof of dedication.
  • The Reality: Excessive worry can be detrimental to both our mental well-being and our ability to perform tasks efficiently. Caring deeply for something doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice peace of mind.

Finding the Balance

  • The Approach: Finding a balance between relaxation and dedication can be challenging. Yet, it is essential for a healthier life and productive work.
  • The Method: Mindfulness, focused goal-setting, and understanding that it’s okay to take breaks can help achieve this equilibrium. Trusting in your abilities and giving yourself permission to rest can lead to a more sustainable form of dedication.


James Clear’s perspective invites us to reevaluate our relationship with worry, stress, and dedication. By embracing a more balanced approach, we allow ourselves to work passionately without burning out. The road to achieving our dreams doesn’t have to be paved with anxiety and stress; it can also be a journey of tranquility and focused dedication.

So the next time you find yourself equating worry with care or viewing relaxation as a sign of indifference, remember that you can be both relaxed and dedicated. Striving for this balance may not only lead to a happier life but also a more fulfilling and successful one.

Life rewards action, not intelligence

“Life rewards action, not intelligence.

Many brilliant people talk themselves out of getting started, and being smart doesn’t help very much without the courage to act.

You can’t win if you’re not in the game.”

– James Clear

How often did it happen to you that you had a brilliant idea but never really followed up?

How often did you analyze that idea from different angles, discovering obstacles and potential road blockers, summing up to a huge dark cloud which swallowed the idea entirely? Sounds familiar?

We often place a high value on intelligence, arguing that the smarter you are, the more likely you are to succeed. Yet, the renowned author and speaker James Clear, challenges this conventional wisdom with his powerful quote, “Life rewards action, not intelligence.”

Too often, highly intelligent individuals are immobilized by their fear of taking risks or their desire for perfect planning. They spend time analyzing situations from every angle, and in the process, they fail to take the first important step. They become victims of ‘analysis paralysis,’ leaving their potential unrealized.

Clear’s words remind us of the importance of taking action, regardless of our intelligence. Intelligence may provide us with the tools to devise an effective plan, but action is what brings that plan to life. It’s the spark that ignites the engine of progress and pushes us toward success. Without action, the most well-thought-out strategy remains an unrealized dream.

Ultimately, it all comes down to one simple truth: “You can’t win if you’re not in the game.” So, let’s muster the courage to act, make mistakes, learn, and grow. Because life doesn’t reward us for what we know but for what we do.

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks

Here’s a quote from Emilio Estevez, an American actor:

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That’s what connects us – that we’re all broken, all beautifully imperfect.

Emilio Estevez

Isn’t that a beautiful statement? And there is so much truth in it.

Look at all those Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram accounts. So many beautiful and successful people, living perfect lives. But do you really believe all those lives are perfect? Certainly not. Everyone is fighting some battles with different daemons somewhere. Everyone has some trouble, insecurity, frustration, sadness somewhere and we are so busy pretending we do not, so busy painting the illusion of a perfect life.

We live in a world of illusions, where everyone tries to present themselves as perfectly as possible on social media. We strive to create an image of our lives that looks better than they really are, so much so that we often forget the truth behind it all. From perfectly filtered pictures and videos, and carefully curated posts to highlighting only the best parts of our day-to-day lives – it’s easy to get caught up in this false reality. But beneath the glossy surface lies a different story – one filled with struggles, pain, and imperfections hidden by these online facades.

But why are we doing this? We all want to be accepted and validated by others, so we often strive to present ourselves in the best possible light. We put up a facade of perfection to fit society’s standards and expectations, but still, underneath this glossy surface lies a different story – one filled with struggles, pain, and imperfections hidden by these online facades.

And with this behavior, we are making it even worse since we contribute to the illusion of our society’s standard. We are lifting that false standard even higher by playing along.

Wouldn’t it be better to accept ourselves as we are? Wouldn’t it be better to stand up to our flaws and imperfections? Wouldn’t we feel free and light then? Wouldn’t we be able to concentrate on the real problems in this world instead of being busy pretending what we are not?

Wouldn’t we? All it takes is some courage. Don’t you think?

We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That’s what connects us – that we’re all broken, all beautifully imperfect.

Always go a little further into the Water

There is a quote supposedly from David Bowie, which goes like this:

“If you feel safe in the area that you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth, and when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.”

– David Bowie

You probably might have seen the picture with a circle labeled “Comfort Zone” and another label outside that circle, which said, “Progress happens here.” The same message, just packed differently.

And this couldn’t be more true. Thinking back to the bigger jumps in my career and entire life, all those jumps started with me leaving my comfort zone. There is not a single success I achieved while sitting in my comfort zone, not a single one. Realizing this is eye-opening and clearly defines the direction forward.

The point is, if you are staying in your comfort zone, you will keep doing things as you always did, and you are just hoping that you’ll get a different result this time, but you won’t. I probably don’t need to quote Einstein’s definition of insanity.

In addition, you know how to do things in your comfort zone. You know what to expect, you know how to behave. How will you ever learn something new there? If you don’t leave your comfort zone, no progress can happen.

So, if you want to make real progress in life and career, go a little further than what is comfortable for you. Go a little deeper into the water. Leave the safety of your comfort zone and dive into the unknown waters of growth and opportunities. You might not know where it leads, but the journey will be worth it. Who knows, you might even make some fantastic discoveries along the way!

There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.

Here’s another quote I stumbled across recently:

There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.

Leonard Cohen

For me, it translates into: Nobody is perfect, and that’s good.

This quote means that we all make mistakes. But these mistakes can help us learn and grow, so they are actually a good thing. They let in the light, knowledge, understanding, improvement, or growth.

We all strive to be better. Most of us do. But none of us will ever be perfect. So it’s important to remember that our mistakes are not a sign of weakness or failure but instead an opportunity for growth and learning.

By embracing the crack in everything and allowing the light to come in, we open ourselves up more fully to life and its possibilities. We can become better in ways we never imagined. The light of knowledge and understanding can be our greatest teacher if we are brave enough to learn from it.

So don’t let your fears or mistakes keep you away from the light – embrace them instead, and watch as you grow. You may surprise yourself with what you can achieve. That is the power of the quote, “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

And there is another angle. Those cracks make us unique. They look different for everyone. No two individuals have the exact same set of experiences or flaws, and these differences make us special. They give us a unique perspective on life that can be shared with others to help them understand and appreciate our own individual beauty, quirks, and all.

So remember: there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in. Embrace your cracks and use them to help you grow! Who knows where the light may take you?