
Everything has a cost, for everything you have to pay a price. And this statement is not restricted to material things. Every decision, every hesitation, everything you do and also everything you don’t do, has a price. And you will pay this price consciously or unconsciously.

Imagine, you are unhappy with your job and you are thinking about to resign. If you do, the price will be to give up the known for the unknown, to give up the safety your current job provides you. You will give up your working location and maybe the possibility to get to work by bicycle including all the emenity like the fresh air in the morning, the morning dew in the forest, the first sun beams. You are giving up the funny conversations with your co-workers and maybe you’ll lose contact to some friends at work as well. And there is much more of this. You will pay the price if you want or not, if you are aware of it or not.

But same thing if you decide to stay. Here the price is the lost chance for a new beginning. You might regret your hesitation some day. You will play “what would have been when” games. And some day it might be too late to change the job since you reached an advanced age. And there are much more costs of course. And this has been just an example.

The point now is to assess the price. The more information you have about the price, the easier it will become to decide what to do. You will probably never see the complete price, but many aspects of it, which will give you the chance to make well-grounded decisions. You can decide consciously if you are willing to pay the price or not, as long as you are aware of it.

Hey that’s not  bad thing. Thinking about prices will lead to better decisions, more conscious decisions. Which is a good thing. Imagine there wouldn’t be costs, how boring would be decisions? You wouldn’t want this. Would you?