Enjoy the Silence

Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can’t you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Enjoy the silence

This are the lyrics of one of my most favorite songs ever and these lyrics became much more important  within the last weeks and months. I would only exchange one word in the refrain:

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is was here in my arms

At times people are realizing too late what they want and what they need. Sometimes this clearness and realization comes when the wanted entity is moving out of range. And then it’s too late. But mourning will not help here. Rather accepting the situation as it is and looking forward. Easily said, but hard to implement.

But that’s not my point now. Depeche Mode is a band which accompanied my life for so long now. I have experienced so many beautiful and so many sad moments when listening to these songs. Depeche Mode was played when I tried to explore the opposite gender many years back. Depeche Mode songs have been running when I recovered from rebuffs. These songs trigger so many memories.

There has been a Depeche Mode concert nearby recently and of course I went there. Huge stadium and I was one of 36000 people. Boah, what an atmosphere. And many of the old songs. But one special song went under my skin like no other, Enjoy the silence. Since this song represents quite good my current state, with the tiny refrain change stated above.

Anyway, the concert has been great, impressive. I have seen people from all ages in there. People who could be my parents and people which could have been my children. The complete range. Very interesting, but all of them singing and dancing together to the same songs. This has been very impressive since there are not many things which are able to unite young and old.

I closed my eyes to concentrate on the music of the song in subject and I tried to reactivate all the feelings which had been connected with it. There are so many, good ones and bad ones. But the lyrics pulled me back into the present quite often.

But there is another thing worth mentioning. Years back when I have seen Depeche Mode live first time, there have been thousands of lighters, an ocean of pocket lighters. But these days, only a few, not even a hand full. But what you see are thousands of smartphone displays taking movies of the live act. That’s kind of weird and very irritating. This is a change I didn’t expect.

Nonetheless the concert was great and I do love this song, Enjoy the silence.