
XC-skiing stands for cross-country skiing, which boils down to running with ski, thin like needles, through a snow-covered forest. And this is what I did today, first time on ski this winter. And know what, it was awesome, breath-taking, and this in several aspects. As desk culprit the possibilities to keep a certain fitness level are restricted. Nonetheless I need to use every possibility for cross-country skiing. If I have one, then I do run until I reach my limits. So either my legs, my lung or my heart will give up, preferably in exactly this order. On the positive side we have, once your legs go on strike, you have some time to enjoy the beautiful snow-covered trees and the silence around you, once you are able to breath again and your heart-beat isn’t hearable in your ears anymore.

But hey, you have no idea what fun this is. You are coming fully concentrated with high-speed around a corner and you see this huge ramp in front of you. Several hundred meters of uphill pain. You are feeling already exhausted, your body is tired and you know, the next meters will definitely hurt. You know you will reach your limits here. Your heart is beating til your throat and every bone shows suddenly some reluctance to go forward. Nonetheless you are jumping into this hill with a smile. You even increase the speed and the fighter within you awakes. The pain is overlain by a layer of overwhelming happiness. This feeling is awesome. Boah, it’s comparable with … yeah, I really believe it’s comparable. Amazing, isn’t it?